PEOPLE CENTERED - EVeryone is unique with different talents, experience, interests, and desires. We do not look for holes that need filling, we look for people that would be great additions and look for positions where they can excel.

ASPIRATIONAL - Not only as a company do we aspire to keep designing bigger and more unique projects, but we also encourage aspiration on a personal level. For example, for many engineers this could mean getting licensed. To help you get licensed, we have internal P.E. workshops, a full library of example tests, problems, and study guides, we provide references, and we pay you to pass.

DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE - We come from many different geographical origins, personal histories, work histories, and educational backgrounds. We feel this is a strength and that everyone has not only something to learn, but also something to teach.

CREATIVE - When we say creative, we also mean this in the typical sense - finding solutions to problems. However, what we really mean is To Create. That means not only focusing on making our designs come to life and be built, but also to use other skills and ideas to create things. This could mean from drawing and modeling logos and signs, to 3d printing objects to help make designs out of canned food for charity, to modifying nerf blasters, to building our own computers, to making things in our little growing workshop we call The Laboratory.